For Partners

Together We Can End Homelessness

Continuum of Care Documents

General Members

Participation in the CoC is open to any individual or agency choosing to be regularly involved in the NoCO CoC’s work. CoC Partners are expected to be those entities or individuals who have an interest in or affiliation with Northern Colorado communities and/or organizations, and whose work is a part of the overall response to homelessness in the region. Individuals and Agencies become formal CoC Partners by signing a CoC Membership Agreement. CoC Partners may join the NoCO CoC at any time, and will be required to renew their membership every two years. CoC Partners must designate one person to serve as the CoC Voting Member, but are encouraged to identify multiple individuals to participate as Non-Voting Members in the work of the CoC. There is no minimum or maximum number of Members for the NoCO CoC. There are no term limits for Voting Members.

At a minimum, Voting Members commit to regularly participating in general membership meetings, as scheduled, and/or committee meetings. To ensure diversity and broad representation, Non-Voting Members are also encouraged to attend general membership meetings and participate in committee work.

General Membership Meetings

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Northern Colorado Continuum of Care General Membership Meetings are held virtually the 3rd Thursday of every other month from 9am-11am. All are welcome.

Email for more information and to request a meeting invitation.

You can view recordings of past NoCO CoC General Membership Meetings on our YouTube Channel (@nocococ)

Go to Channel

Governing Board

The NoCO CoC Governing Board acts on behalf of the General Membership, is responsible for ensuring the NoCO CoC is compliant with all HUD requirements and provides oversight to the CoC process. The board is composed of up to 17 members who serve on a voluntary basis. The NoCO CoC Board composition strives for geographical representation and also highly values diversity of experience and background. Governing Board members are expected to attend monthly board meetings, and serve on at least one CoC committee.

NoCO CoC Board Application

The NoCO CoC elects board members once a year. If you are interested in serving on the NoCO CoC Board, please fill out this application. Download

Continuum of Care Committees

CAHPS Steering Committee

Provides oversight and direction to the Coordinated Assessment Housing Placement System, our local coordinated entry system. Information Sheet Application

Data and Performance Committee

Evaluates homeless system data for data quality, system outcomes, and disparities and makes recommendations for system improvement. Meets monthly.

Project Rating & Ranking Committee

Oversees the Rating and Ranking process for the annual CoC Program competition and evaluation of project outcomes. Meets monthly.

Point in Time Count Committee

Plans and executes the annual Point in Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory Counts (HIC). Meets monthly.

Lived Experience Advisory Council (LEAC)

Advises the NoCO CoC to make system level improvements based on lived experience of homelessness. The LEAC is open people with current or recent experience of homelessness who are able to make at least a six month commitment to meet monthly. Council members are paid for their participation. There is a Larimer County-based Council and a Weld County-based Council. Contact