Together We Can End Homelessness
Your Gift Makes a Difference
United Way of Weld County provides financial management to the Northern Colorado Continuum of Care. All donations designated to the NoCO CoC are used exclusively to support NoCO CoC administration and activities.
Membership Contributions
NoCO CoC partners are encouraged to contribute financially to the work of the Continuum. Such contributions make the following CoC activities possible:
- The Coordinated Assessment Housing Placement System (CAHPS) – the process by which people experiencing homelessness are connected to a variety of housing resources.
- The Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS) – the shared data platform, free to users, that increases coordination of homelessness services to house people quicker.
- CoC Administrative capacity towards coordinating committees and workgroups and leading regional efforts to address homelessness.
- Technical assistance and administrative support for state and federal funding opportunities.
- Facilitating meetings, trainings, speakers and other benefits for CoC Partners.